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Utah Chicken Farms

The below 1 Utah Chicken farms and ranches sell direct to consumers. Any heritage breeds, free-range or specialty services are listed next to the farm. Why buy local? Freshness, care, variety and the ability to deal directly with the person raising your livestock or poultry. This list isn't necessarily meant to be a complete listing, but more of a listing of consumer-oriented farms that focus on quality. If you are looking for a great place to buy fresh meat then stop here first. Also, please shoot me your experiences (positive or negative) or help me add any that should be listed here. To submit a request, go to the add or update a farm page or email me the information - farms(AT)

All Farms | All Chicken Farms | Alabama | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Illinois | Indiana | Kansas | Kentucky | Maryland | Massachusetts | Mississippi | Missouri | New Jersey | New York | North Carolina | Ohio | Oregon | Pennsylvania | South Carolina | Texas | Utah | Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin | Wyoming

State City Name Contact
Utah Hyde Park Appenzell Farm
1146 East 4400 North Hyde Park UT 84318
Appenzell Farm is a sustainable, grass-based farm producing pastured eggs, chicken, turkey, beef, and pork as well as fruit and produce. Our farming practices reflect our commitment to produce wholesome food naturally, humanely, and without unnecessary chemical inputs.
Farm owners: click here if you would like to add or update the information for a farm.

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